
Scouting is a uniformed organisation. When your child joins, you need to buy the uniform from the Scout Shop before they are invested (normally four weeks after joining if you have attended all of the meetings).

The Scout Shop is open from 7:30-9:30pm on Mondays and 8:30-10:30am on Saturday mornings at the District HQ in Waverley Road. You can also order uniforms online at http://www.scoutshops.com/. Stevensons and John Lewis also sell uniform but the Scout Association don’t benefit from purchases made there so please avoid using them for uniform unless you have to.

Everyone in the 16th has a maroon and green scarf (neckerchief) and at least the following three badges (once invested): the World Membership Badge (purple circle), the Hertfordshire County Badge and the St Albans District Badge. Also, everyone wears the group name tag on the right shoulder. Your child will be presented with these items by the leader when they are invested.

If they have just moved up from Beavers to Cubs, or from Cubs to Scouts, then your child should wear their old uniform until they are invested. Otherwise they should wear casual clothes and trainers until they have uniform.

All items of uniform, including scarves and anything else that your child is likely to take off, must be clearly named.

Beaver Scout Uniform
  • Turquoise Sweatshirt
  • Woggle, Group neckerchief and badges (ordered and presented by leaders)
  • Turquoise Polo Shirt (Optional).
  • Dark Blue Activity Trousers (or shorts in Summer)
Cub Scout Uniform
  • Dark Green Sweatshirt
  • Woggle, Group neckerchief and badges (ordered and presented by leaders)
  • Dark Green Polo Shirt
  • Dark Blue Activity Trousers (or shorts in Summer)


Scout Uniform
  • Teal Green Long Sleeved Shirt
  • Neckerchief and badges (ordered and presented by leaders)
  • Plaited Leather Woggle
  • Dark Blue Activity Trousers
  • Scout belt and buckle